Breast Cancer
Macrobiotic Lifestyle and Cancer Patients  

Can a macrobiotic lifestyle benefit a cancer patient?

Although the American Cancer Society (ACS) does not embrace the macrobiotic diet — the ACS believes the macrobiotic diet lacks adequate protein and is too low in calories to benefit cancer patients—many cancer patients have benefited from the macrobiotic lifestyle. In Dr. Anthony Sattilaro’s book, Recalled By Life, he shares how following the macrobiotic diet helped cure him of cancer. Many other cancer patients have testified to the same powerful benefits of the macrobiotic diet. There are even documented reports of incurable cancer completely disappearing in people who followed the macrobiotic diet.

A lack of empirical evidence does not negate a therapy’s ability to benefit a patient, especially if that patient believes that the therapy can and does help. Never underestimate the power of the human spirit! A positive mind and a dietary lifestyle that strive for low exposure to toxins in the diet and lifestyle, low stress levels, and natural balance is a compelling combination. After all, couldn’t we all benefit, in some way, by improving our dietary and lifestyle habits and by trying to live more harmoniously with our environment?

As with all complementary and alternative therapies, it is up to you to research the macrobiotic lifestyle and discuss it with your healthcare team to determine if it is appropriate for you.

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