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 Breast Cancer
finishing treatment sometimes  

Why is finishing treatment sometimes more frightening than actually undergoing treatment?

While there is a tremendous sense of relief at the end of treatment, there is also a surge of new anxieties. At the forefront of your mind is the fear that since you are no longer actively targeting the cancer, more cancer cells may be slowly starting to grow back. Or perhaps your doctor did not get all of them out.

It is also a difficult adjustment period-you go from seeing your healthcare team every day to seeing them weekly, and then monthly for follow-ups. You’ve enjoyed the assurance and support of your medical team for months, and now you are suddenly "on your own". Many women liken a doctor's send-off, "OK, you're done. See you in 6 months" to being broken-up with.

In addition to these separation anxieties, your body is finally being given a chance to recover from the tremendous stresses of treatment. If you have just finished chemotherapy, it may be the first time you have actually had the emotional energy to reflect on what has happened to you. This can be incredibly frightening.

Readjusting to family life, returning to work and accepting your body if you have had a mastectomy are all incredibly taxing challenges.

The plain truth of the matter is that the recovery period has been largely neglected by the medical and mental health professions. While every detail of diagnosis and treatment is spelled out and the patient is carefully guided every step of the way, the post-treatment period is uncharted territory. Unfortunately, most doctors do not offer a physical recovery plan or nutritional and exercise guidelines for their post-treatment patients. So in addition to everything else you are coping with-returning to work, dealing with insurance companies, bills, etc. You are also confronted with the challenging of re-establishing your physical and emotional health pretty much by yourself. A very tall order indeed!

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