One of the most important steps you can take is to discuss the issue with your partner. Together, you two may be able to make certain adjustments to help reactivate your interest in intimacy. Massage, baths, plenty of foreplay, the right kind of lighting and music can go along way to helping you reconnect and get close. You need to rediscover your body and find new ways to help it respond to stimulation. Sex toys, erotic movies and literature may help re-ignite your sexual response.
If intercourse is painful because of vaginal dryness, you may try using lubrication products, try mutual masturbation, or try alternative positions that are not as penetrating. For example, if your partner is behind you entering your vagina from the rear, the penetration cannot go as deep into the vagina because your thighs and buttocks tissue are in the way. This position puts less pressure in your vagina.