Breast Cancer
Precautions for Dental Work During Chemotherapy  

I’m having chemotherapy. Is it okay to have the dental work done that I need?

That depends. As you know, chemotherapy increases your risk of infection. Dental work can lead to infection. Any dental visits, even just for routine cleanings, need to be discussed with your doctor. Usually, your doctor will have to test your blood 24 hours ahead of time to check your platelet counts (number of cells involved in clotting) and neutrophil (white blood cell) counts. If your platelet count is less than 50,000/mm3, or abnormal clotting factors are present, or the neutrophil count is less than 1,000/mm3, you will need to postpone any dental work.

If your chemotherapy is being delivered through a vascular access device (central venous catheter, osteoport), you will need to take antibiotic pre-medication before any dental work.

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