Breast Cancer
Mammograms Rarely Recommended for Women < 30 Years  

Why are mammograms not recommended for women under 30?

Mammograms are rarely recommended for women under 30, because the test is not very helpful in detecting cancer in young women.

A younger woman’s breast tissue tends to be very dense and full of milk glands. On a mammogram, this tissue looks white, which makes it almost impossible to see any cancerous growths, which would also be read as white. Many doctors say that trying to find a tumor in the midst of dense gland tissue in a mammogram can be like finding a polar bear in a snowstorm.

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What is a mammogram?
Do mammograms prevent breast cancer?
I have had a mastectomy, but the cancer has been in remission for 2 years. Should I get a mammogram on the other breast?
Who should get a mammogram? When? How often?
If mammograms are so good at detecting nonsymptomatic tumors, why should I bother with a monthly breast exam ?
I have breast implants. How can I get properly screened?
Are there different types of mammograms?
What is a digital mammogram ? Is it better than a film mammogram ?
Are mammograms safe ?
How is a mammogram performed?
How can I get ready for my mammogram ?
Are there any problems with mammogramy?
Are mammograms painful?
Where should I get a mammogram?
What if my health insurance does not cover mammograms?
I don't have health insurance. Where can I get a free or low-cost mammogram?
How often should I get a mammogram?
How long until you get the results of your mammogram?
What is an ultrasound, and when is it recommended?
Does the radiation from a mammogram cause cancer?
How accurate are mammograms?
Are mammograms less accurate if you are significantly overweight?
What is "implantation displacement view"?
I have heard of the Eklund Technique for women with breast implants. What is the Eklund Technique exactly?
I've heard that mammograms can cause implants to burst. Is this true?
Are MRIs better than mammograms for screening young women with a high breast cancer risk?
Should I get a mammogram if I am pregnant?
What happens if a woman detects an abnormality while she is nursing?
testing - testing the site....

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